My First RD Contest by Phillip, VK6DEV

Last weekend, while in Perth for a working bee at the OM’s place, I managed to make my first entry into Amateur Radio Contesting.

The Remembrance Day Contest for 2023.  From the WIA website.,

“This contest commemorates the Amateurs who died during World War II and is designed to encourage friendly participation and help improve the operating skills of participants. It is held on the weekend closest to the 15th August, the date on which hostilities ceased in the southwest Pacific area. “

Now the contest kicked off at 11am WA time but unfortunately I had commitments which kept me off the air until about 9PM on Saturday night. In an effort to increase my chances of some contacts I headed up the scarp to Lesmurdie and perched myself in a parking bay with a magnificent view of the city.

Over the next 2 hours I called CQ RD on 2m and 70 centimetres and picked up 27 contacts. The bands went quiet for a bit so a trip to the local M’s for coffee was called for. Arriving back just in time for the 1am bonus points time slot. Having only found 3 other Hams up at that time, I headed for bed.

After about 5 hrs sleep, I jumped back in the ute and headed up the hill again to cap off the contest with a few more contacts.

In total I had 44 QSO’s for a total of 52 points. This definitely won’t be a winning score, but it’s about the participating isn’t it. Any how, I’ll be back for next year, more prepared with a HF rig  to open up the bit more of the world for contacts.  


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